Artist Insights
Artist Insights
La nostra serie Artist Insights mira a darti nuove idee e approcci per aiutarti a raggiungere il tuo potenziale musicale. Avvicinandoti ai nostri artisti, questa serie ti dà accesso a suggerimenti, trucchi ed esperienze di musicisti professionisti di tutto il mondo ed è una risorsa a cui puoi sempre tornare.
Artist Insights featuring Andy Cattanach
Our Artist Insights series aims to give you fresh ideas and approaches to help you reach your musical potential. Bringing you closer to our artists, this series gives you access to tips, tricks and experiences from professional musicians around the world and is a resource that you can always come back to.
Di Più
A personal practice schedule by Russell Gray
During my many years as a performer and teacher, one of the most difficult things to master is the art of practice itself. We know that we have limitations and it’s easy to focus on small parts of our technique that need working on, but we are not always able to compartmentalise our entire technique and start working on the whole thing. In this article I will try to provide you with a personalised schedule of practice.
Whatever Happened to "style" by Nigel Hitchcock
Sitting next to other great players is really the only way to learn about playing. You can listen and watch Youtube forever, but until you’ve felt the wind next to you (or behind you) move, and felt the tonguing and heard the sound of the note coming from a great player beside you, you cannot really comprehend what the difference is.
Artist Insights featuring Paulo Gaspar
Our Artist Insights series aims to give you fresh ideas and approaches to help you reach your musical potential. Bringing you closer to our artists, this series gives you access to tips, tricks and experiences from professional musicians around the world and is a resource that you can always come back to.
Artist Insights featuring Ayanna Witter Johnson
Our Artist Insights series aims to give you fresh ideas and approaches to help you reach your musical potential. Bringing you closer to our artists, this series gives you access to tips, tricks and experiences from professional musicians around the world and is a resource that you can always come back to.
Artist Insights featuring Benjamin Mellefont
Benjamin Mellefont, Principal Clarinet of the London Philharmonic Orchestra, has shared with us his personal and interesting take on professionalism in music.
Artist insights featuring Sérgio Carolino
As our next contributor to our Artist Insights series, Sérgio has written an interesting article about musical creativity and comprehensiveness and what becoming an eclectic artist in today's music scene entails.
Artist Insights featuring Eirik Gjerdevik
Yamaha artist Eirik Gjerdevik, tuba soloist and conductor, has collected for us some hints and tips that could come handy when practising on your tuba along with some consideration on the effect your playing has on your band. Click here to read the full article.
L'arte dell'interpretazione di Russell Gray
In questo articolo voglio discutere alcune delle mie riflessioni mentre sviluppo la mia interpretazione di un brano musicale. Quando studio una partitura, il mio obiettivo generale e la mia responsabilità è di essere il più fedele possibile ai desideri dei compositori.
Di Più
Motivazione per iniziare ad esercitarsi by Lisa Nelsen
Quando ci sentiamo senza ispirazione o vogliamo un motivo per esercitarci, quali tipi di opzioni possiamo mettere in atto per ricominciare di nuovo la nostra routine? Spesso nelle nostre carriere come studenti di musica e musicisti professionisti, abbiamo sbattuto contro il muro di ciò che in pratica etichetteremmo come noia o letargia. Ci sono così tante ragioni per cui sappiamo che dovrebbero farci alzare dai divani per fare la nostra ora o 4 ore ... o anche 10 minuti di contatto con i nostri strumenti, ma l'attrazione e la motivazione ci sfuggono.
The Tuning of Yamaha Percussion Instruments
Tuning a mallet instrument requires a deep understanding of complex physical phenomenon. The biggest question is, when does an instrument sound tuned? To answer this question, you need to align physical and subjective aspects.
Di Più
Come rendere la band la tua migliore squadra di Erik Janssen
Erik Janssen, direttore di molte band ed ensemble, dai principianti al livello professionale, giudice e insegnante, in questo "Artist Insights" ha condiviso la sua esperienza personale su come rendere la band la tua squadra migliore.