Audio professionale




ProVisionaire è una suite di applicazioni software per la progettazione, il funzionamento e la gestione di sistemi audio realizzati con prodotti Yamaha Pro Audio.

Active Field Control

Le capacità dettagliate e dimensionali di controllo del riverbero di AFC Enhance possono essere utilizzate per creare spazi in cui le immagini acustiche sono posizionate e controllate da AFC Image.

Inviting Dining Sound - High Quality Background Music at Chan-Chi Hot Pot

When popular Taiwanese chain Chan-Chi Hot Pot opened a new restaurant in Taipei’s Ximen district, the structure of the building presented systems integrator Spectrum Audio with a challenge to deliver high quality background music throughout the restaurant’s different areas. Yamaha’s flexible range of professional speakers provided the solution.

Closer Community Contact - ADECIA Brings Us Government Agencies And Communities Together

By broadcasting federal, state and local meetings, Nevada-based SoSu.TV helps to bring US government and communities closer together. To facilitate this, the company is using Yamaha ADECIA intelligent collaboration and conferencing solutions, which offer many advantages for officials and citizens alike.

Yamaha Pro Audio and Stephen “Pato” Pattison, FOH Hozier

In live sound engineering, few names command as much respect as Stephen "Pato" Pattison. Renowned for his meticulous ear and innovative approach, Pato is the sound engineer behind Hozier's celebrated live performances. Handling the complexity of the band’s lush soundscapes requires not only talent but also the right tools. For Pato, those tools come in the form of Yamaha's RIVAGE PM Series.