CLP-685 Discontinuo
Serie Yamaha Clavinova CLP-600 - Panoramica video
Informazioni sul prodotto
CLP-685 Discontinuo
La combinazione della nuova tastiera GroundTouch con il miglior impianto di amplificazione, per offrirvi un pianoforte a coda di ultima generazione.
- CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial piano samples
- CFX Binaural sampling
- Improved VRM (Virtual Resonance Modeling)
- Smooth Release
- Campionamenti Key-Off
- String Resonance
- Funzione Damper Resonance
- Polifonia 256-note
- 49 + 480 XG Voices + GM2/GS (Song file playback)
- GrandTouch keyboard with synthetic ebony and ivory keytops (wood is used for the white keys)
- Escapement
- Counterweight
- Linear Graded Hammer 88 tasti
- GP Response Damper Pedal
- 128 x 64 full dot LCD
- Dual / Split / Duo
- Digital effects (Reverb/Chorus/Brilliance/Effect)
- 19 Voice Demo Songs + 50 Piano Songs* + 303 Lesson Songs (*The Clavinova comes with a book of music scores)
- 20 rhythms
- Registrazione 16 tracce
- Registratore Audio USB playback WAV
- Dual headphone jacks
- (50 W + 50 W + 50 W) x 2 amplifiers
- (16 cm + 8 cm + 2.5 cm (dome)) x 2 speaker system
- Spruce Cone speaker
- Speaker Box
- Ottimizzatori acustici
- Intelligent Acoustic Control (IAC)
- Stereophonic Optimizer
- Music braces
- Ritmi
- Built-in Bluetooth for wireless connection to iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or Andoroid
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