Notizie ed eventi

ProVisionaire Design/Edge V1.2.0, DME7 and others New Firmware Released

ProVisionaire Design V1.2.0 includes the latest firmware for DME7 and other products. It also fixes bugs.

Yamaha entra a far parte del programma di partner tecnologici Q-SYS

Impegnata a fornire maggiore flessibilità e connettività ai clienti ADECIA, Yamaha ha aderito al TPP di Q-SYS e ha ottenuto la certificazione RM-CG.

Yamaha Corporation amplia la sua soluzione ADECIA con il rilascio del diffusore da soffitto VXC2P Dante/PoE e del controller CTL-BN1

Espandere ulteriormente le opzioni della soluzione ADECIA e fornire un ambiente di teleconferenza più confortevole.

Come See us at InfoComm, June 12-14, 2024 - Showcasing the latest in audio solutions and innovative technologies –

Yamaha will be showcasing InfoComm2024, the largest professional audio-visual trade show in North America, with a comprehensive suite of solutions for a wide range of users across the Pro AV market.

NEC Solution Innovator

As the core company responsible for creating social value for the NEC Group through ICT, NEC Solution Innovator, Ltd. provides systems integration and services to customers throughout Japan. The company recently installed Yamaha's ADECIA Ceiling Solution for hybrid meetings in the newly-renovated executive conference room at its Tokyo headquarters.

Yamaha potenzia la collaborazione con Zoom Rooms Certification per il sistema microfonico wireless ADECIA RM-W

Ora, grazie alla piena ottimizzazione delle riunioni Zoom, la soluzione ADECIA Wireless permette di conversare senza problemi, indipendentemente dal luogo in cui ci si trova.

Immersed In YOUNHA - Korean Star Marks 20 Years With Groundbreaking Shows

Two-days concert in early February saw Korean singer-songwriter Younha celebrate 20 years since her stage debut. To deliver an extra special audience experience at the sold out shows, for the first time a Yamaha AFC Image and NEXO immersive audio system was used at a live event with a capacity of 10,000 or more.

Sky High Quality - Complementing Fine Dining With Fine Sound

Located on the rooftop of Centec Tower in Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City, Shri Lifestyle Dining allows diners to admire great views of the city, while enjoying the best in fine dining and musical entertainment. A new Yamaha audio system delivers the best quality audio atmosphere.

“Yorunoyo - Yokohama Cross Night Illumination”

From November 18 (Thursday) to December 26 (Sunday), 2021, “YORUNOYO - YOKOHAMA CROSS NIGHT ILLUMINATION”, an art illumination event featuring state-of-the-art light and sound technology, was held in the city of Minatomirai, Yokohama.

The Clearest Communication - TOSYS Corporation Adopts ADECIA For Hybrid Meetings and Seminars

Yamaha ADECIA conferencing solutions provided the answer to improve the audio for hybrid meetings and seminars for TOSYS.